I have recently decided, now that I have three furkids, that taking one at a time when I am out and about would be fun. Far more manageable, and no guilt factor at leaving just one behind.
Today it was Reilly's turn because he was the reason I was going out anyway - he needed his annual vaccinations. So off the the vets we went - more about that later - then on to
Hudsons Petfood for our chicken necks, tripe and beef blocks, and finally a visit to the new Animates store in Takanini. (Funny - the pic on the
link to this store features a cav!)
Ali |
There we met the subject of today's photo - Ali the cavalier. Ali was there with her Mum and Dad, and their other cavalier Bella.
Now cavalier folk are always super pleased to see another cav and start a conversation, and this was no exception. Especially as it transpires, that this is Reilly's litter sister! She was the sweetest little thing, doing good work for the SPCA. Tried to get a photo of her and her brother, but Reilly was more interested in the big goat who was also sitting outside the entrance....
Chloe |
It's not the first time we have met one of his sisters - this photo (right) is from another chance meeting - at the Botanic Gardens - where we came across Chloe (aka Bonnie, who lived with us for a time as a puppy).
Reilly |
But back to my Reilly, who cried when he got his injection, whined all the way through getting his nails clipped, and yelped enough to bring tears to my eyes when the vet took him out the back to get his anal glands cleared (yuk) while I talked to the assistant about his next treatment...
I had suspected he needed his teeth cleaned and scaled as his breath was a bit iffy, but I had not anticipated that he would require two teeth to be extracted. My dear little problem dog, it will break my heart to leave you there... but we will both try and be brave!