Sunday, September 11, 2011

Damn You Auto Correct

My gorgeous sister-in-law Frances turned 50 yesterday. To celebrate, some of her nearest and dearest (like me :D) shared in the creation and devouring of an Italian themed Degustation.
Now addicted as I am to social media, especially FB, and addicted as I also am to my iPhone, I had to post about what was going on...
The iPhone is great in enabling status updates, but is over zealous in it's auto correct capability. There are some doozies here, if you'd like a laugh. So when I typed in that we were having a Degustation, it auto corrected to Dehydration. Could have been a premonition for either of my brothers, I imagine...
What I have not figured to do, if it is indeed possible, is to delete a comment from the iPhone...
While each of the seven course were delicious, the one pictured on the left had to be my favourite. Kingfish Arancini Balls and Kingfish mousse, created by my brother Rik and other sister-in-law Kim. Why 2 pics? One taken with my camera, the other with the iPhone. Can you tell which is which?

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