Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Blonde Moment

Despite being blonde, ordinarily I pride myself on my driving skills. Parallel parking has never been an issue for me, but today on a busy Mt Eden Road, I got a bit of stage fright.
The prime parking spot was available right outside my hairdresser's, so I made a safe u-turn to nab it. I had a clear path of traffic for my first (and as I believed at that stage, only) attempt at it, but had obviously started too close to the car ahead of me and did not have enough of an angle to get in. So forward I moved again.
"Beeeeeeep!" - an impatient taxi driver did not appreciate my re-manouvre, and this put me into a little state of doubt. I had realised by now that I was right outside the busy salon (open) window, and that there was as strong possibility my parking attempts could well be providing a bit of entertainment.
Refusing to look their way, I tried again, and was met by some resistance by way of the curb. To prevent a third pull out into the traffic, I performed a number of wee fwd-back-fwd-back journeys to and from the car in front until I thought I had it nailed.
On the final little 'back, ... "Clonk!" I had no idea what I had made that sound, but when I moved forward in to my final position, I was satisfied that all was well.
However when I left my car - a few minutes later to let any potential laughter die down from within the salon - I noticed that in spite of my attempts I had in fact ridden the curb, and that the 'clonk' was me hitting the salon sidewalk sign...
Any thoughts of that going unnoticed by the audience within were abandoned when Jo immediately let me know that yes, my parking performance had been witnessed by all. I wore it on the chin, and took the p!$$ out of myself, hoping to leave it there.
Funny thing is though, I have left the salon considerably blonder than I have been for a number of years. Do you think they are trying to tell me something?

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