Sunday, April 29, 2012

All's well that ends well

Not quite the way I intended to spend my Sunday, but feeling a little under the weather, indulging in a book for pleasure - as opposed to academic reading - is not really wasting time, is it? Plus I had only one day left to meet my goals of reading a book a month.
The third and final of the Millennium series by Stieg Larsson - The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest -  didn't have me totally enthralled at the beginning. It seemed too much like an extension of the previous book, as opposed to being its own story. But about 2 days ago it started getting interesting, with today necessitating a marathon read to get it finished.
I few too many peripheral sub-plots lines for my liking - which, if a movie for the trilogy eventuates, will not be missed if left out - but still a strong main plot line building to a well knitted together crescendo towards the end. I was grateful for the tying up of necessary lose ends in the final chapter as it seemed for a bit there that a couple of stragglers would be left hanging. And as for the relationship of the central characters, this too was suitably resigned. I like it when something - like a book or movie - that has ended is truly 'finished'. Means I don't feel ripped off.

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